camera 2 persoane adulte -- cazare si free welcome minibar (spumant, vin, bauturi alcoolice tari, apa minerala, apa plata, suc, ceai, cafea, lapte, biscuiti cafea, ciocolata, cozonac de casa)
Sf. ANDREI - 1 DECEMBRIE (29 noiembrie - 03 decembrie)
- pachet 4 nopti (12% discount) = 1756 lei
- pachet 3 nopti (10% discount) = 1347 lei
CRACIUN (22-27 decembrie)
- pachet 4 nopti (12% discount) = 2098 lei
- pachet 3 nopti (10% discount) = 1609 lei
REVELION (29 decembrie - 02 ianuarie)
- pachet 4 nopti (12% discount) = 3161 lei
Dragi oaspeti,
Ana Maria, Lucica si Marius va saluta din Brasov, de la ALPHAVILLE ARENA SKY VIEW
Va multumim ca ati ales casuta noastra si speram sa va simtiti cat mai confortabil. Va dorim un sejur minunat la Brasov! ;)
La 8 km distanta de noul Aeroport International Brasov - Ghimbav si la 1 km de Paradisul Acvatic, in cartierul Bartolomeu se afla complexul rezidential ALPHAVILLE ARENA, construit langa stadionul FC BRASOV (Tineretului).
Va asteptam sa va petreceti vacanta intr-o locatie care va ofera o vedere frumoasă de 180 de grade de la etajul 11. Veti beneficia de o garsoniera de 37 mp cu 1 dormitor, baie, bucatarie care are si parcare gratuita acoperita.
Daca pe parcursul sejurului veti avea nevoie de ceva, va rugam sa ne anuntati si vom face tot posibilul sa va ajutam.
In calitate de gazde va prezentam REGULILE CASEI de care va rugam respectuos sa tineti cont pe durata sejurului Dumneavoastra. Acceptand sa locuiti la ALPHAVILLE ARENA SKY VIEW sunteti implicit de acord cu urmatoarele reguli :
-- Din momentul confirmarii rezervarii veti avea la dispozitie 1 zi pentru a face plata integrala prin transfer bancar. Daca nu veti achita, rezervarea va fi anulata
-- Cazarea la locatie se face prezentând dinaintea sosirii actul de identitate pentru fiecare persoana care se va caza pentru a completa formularul de check-in
-- Putem caza maxim 2 persoane adulte (locatia nu are spatiu si facilitati pentru copii).
In apartament nu vor fi acceptate alte persoane in plus decat cele maxim 2 cazate (nu vi se va face check-in iar rezervarea Dumneavoastra va fi trecuta la neprezentari cu penalitatile aferente)
-- Locatia este pentru nefumatori (eventual fumati o tigara pe balcon unde veti gasi o scrumiera – va rugam sa nu aruncati tigari sau alte gunoaie de la balcon)
-- Animalutele de companie nu sunt acceptate, indiferent cat de mici, dragute si inofensive sunt
-- Va asteptam pe data de [CHECKIN_DATE] la orele [CHECKIN_OPEN_TIME] (in masura posibilitatilor va anuntam daca vom putea oferi camera mai devreme), asa ca va dorim drum bun, cu prioritate catre Brasov, Str. Stadionului 16, langa stadionul FC Brasov (Tineretului), ALPHAVILLE ARENA, Bl. C2 (cel din mijloc), Etj.11 - va vom trimite si share location ptr Waze
-- La sosire va trebui sa ocoliti blocurile prin spate pentru a ajunge la parcarea acoperita de la parter de sub bloc, unde locul privat nr.6 va asteapta - intrarea este cam joasa, cred ca sub 2,5 m (sper sa nu fie probleme cu inaltimea vehiculului Dumneavoastra)
-- La intrarea in bloc prin fata sau prin spate prin parcare veti avea la usi cod de acces (acelasi cod) apoi vom genera din aplicatie si va vom trimite si un cod pentru intrarea in apartament care va fi valabil pana la [CHECKOUT_DATE] [CHECKOUT_CLOSE_TIME] . Va rugam sa inchideti toate usile, de fiecare data cand treceti de ele
-- Din momentul cazării, turistul răspunde pentru camera rezervată cat si pentru eventualele daune aduse proprietatii
-- Va rugam sa pastrati televizorul la un volum acceptabil si sa tineti cont de orele de liniste intre 13-14 si 22-08
-- Va rugam sa folositi responsabil resursele de apa, curent, gaz precum si lenjeriile, halatele si prosoapele puse la dispozitie
-- Va rugam sa aveti grija de mobilierul, electrocasnicele si vesela puse la dispozitia Dumneavoastra
-- La plecarea din locuinta va rugam sa stingeti luminile, sa verificati oprirea electrocasnicelor, sa inchideti geamurile si usa de la intrare (va trebui sa apasati cele doua taste ROSU si VERDE). Verificati inchiderea usii iar in caz de eroare repetati secventa ROSU VERDE
-- Daca nu faceti din timp rezervare suplimentara, check-out-ul se va face pana la maxim orele 10 a.m.
-- Va rugam sa va treziti putin dis de dimineata pentru a admira din pat sau de pe balcon Rasaritul iar seara, dupa holul de la lifturi, sa admirati Apusul
-- Speram sa savurati cu placere cafeaua, ceaiul si bauturile din minibar oferite si va rugam sa va concentrati pe relaxare, plimbari si adunarea de amintiri memorabile din vacanta ;)
-- Daca v-ati simtit bine va rugam sa ne oferiti un frumos review si bacsis. Va multumim si asteptam sa va revedem curand !
room for 2 adults -- accommodation and free welcome minibar (sparkling, wine, strong alcoholic drinks, mineral water, still water, juice, tea, coffee, milk, coffee biscuits, chocolate, homemade cake)
Sf. ANDREI - DECEMBER 1 (November 29 - December 3)
- 4 night package (12% discount) = 1756 lei
- 3 night package (10% discount) = 1347 lei
CHRISTMAS (December 22-27)
- 4 night package (12% discount) = 2098 lei
- 3 night package (10% discount) = 1609 lei
NEW YEAR (December 29 - January 2)
- 4 night package (12% discount) = 3161 lei
Dear guests,
Ana Maria, Lucica and Marius wish You Welcome to Brasov, from ALPHAVILLE ARENA SKY VIEW
Thank You for choosing us and we wish You a pleasant stay. We wish you a wonderful stay in Brasov! ;)
8 km away from the new International Airport Brasov - Ghimbav and 1 km from the Aquatic Paradise, in the Bartolomeu neighborhood is the residential complex ALPHAVILLE ARENA built near the FC BRASOV (Tineretului) stadium.
We wait for you to spend your holiday in a location that offers you a beautiful 180 degree view from the 11th floor. You will benefit from a 37 sqm studio apartment with 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, which also has free covered parking.
If you need anything during your stay, please let us know and we will do our best to help you.
As hosts, we present the HOUSE RULES, wich we respectfully ask You to keep in mind during your stay. By accepting to stay at ALPHAVILLE ARENA SKY VIEW, You implicitly agree to the following rules:
-- From the moment the reservation is confirmed, you will have 1 day to make the full payment by bank transfer. If you do not pay, the reservation will be cancelled
-- Accommodation at the location is done by presenting an IDENTY DOCUMENT for each person who will be checking in, to complete the check-in form before arrival
-- We can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults (the location does not have space and facilities for children).
No other people will be accepted in the apartment other than the maximum 2 accommodated (you will not be checked in and your reservation will be changed to no-shows with the related penalties)
-- The location is for non-smokers (You may smoke a cigarette on the balcony where You will find an ashtray - please do not throw cigarettes or other rubbish from the balcony)
-- Pets are not accepted, no matter how small, cute and harmless
-- The availability is from [CHECKIN_DATE] at [CHECKIN_OPEN_TIME] (if possible, we will let You know if we are able to offer the room earlier), so we wish you a safe trip, with priority to Brasov, Str. Stadionului 16, near the FC Brasov (Tineretului) stadium, ALPHAVILLE ARENA, Bl. C2 (the one in the middle), Floor. 11 - we will also send You shared location for Waze
-- On arrival, You will have to go around the blocks in the back, to get to the covered parking on the ground floor under the block, where private place no. 6 is waiting for You - the entrance is a bit low, I think under 2.5 m (I hope there will be no problems with the clearance of Your vehicle)
-- When entering the block from the front or from the back through the parking lot, You will have an access code at the doors (the same code). Please close all the doors, each time You pass through them. After entering the building, we will generate from the application and send You a code for entering the apartment that will be valid until [CHECKOUT_DATE] [CHECKOUT_CLOSE_TIME]
-- From the moment of accommodation, the tourist is responsible for the reserved room as well as for any damages caused to the property
-- Please keep the TV at an acceptable volume and take into account the quiet hours between 13-14 and 22-08
-- Please use the water, electricity, gas resources as well as the bed linen, bathrobes and towels provided in a responsible manner
-- Please take care of the furniture, appliances and tableware provided to You
-- When leaving the property, please turn off the lights, check that the electrical appliances are off, close the windows and the entrance door (You will have to press the two RED and GREEN keys). Check the closing of the door and in case of error repeat the RED and GREEN sequence
-- If You do not make an additional reservation in advance, the check-out will be done by 10 a.m. at the latest
-- If You would like to admire the sunrise, from your bed or balcony, you need to wake up a little early in the morning, and in order to be able to admire the sunset, you need to go to the elevators hall
-- We hope You enjoy the coffee, tea and drinks from the free minibar and please focus on relaxing, walking and making wonderful memories on Your holiday
-- If You had a nice stay, pleas give us a good review and tip. Thank You and we look forward to seeing You again soon!
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