Cazare în Hotel Castell dEmporda - La Bisbal

Oferta cazare în Hotel Castell dEmporda - La Bisbal

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Situated in the beautiful rural Empordà region, this boutique hotel is set in a restored 14th-century castle.

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Situated in the beautiful rural Empordà region, this boutique hotel is set in a restored 14th-century castle. It offers an outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi, free parking and air-conditioned rooms with panoramic countryside views.

Hotel Castell d’Empordà is within 10 km of the charming villages of Pals and Palafrugell, while the beaches of the Costa Brava beaches are just 15 km away. Girona Airport is 40-minute drive from the hotel.

Rooms at the Castell d’Emporda are individually decorated, with silks from India, and furniture brought from Italia, Morocco and China.

The hotel's Drac restaurant serves Mediterranean dishes made with fresh local produce. You can enjoy meals and drinks on the covered terrace, with wonderful countryside views.

Hiking is popular in the area, and the hotel offers bicycle and car hire. There is also a 24-hour front desk, allowing you to come and go as you please.

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