Cazare în Hotel El Patio - Garachico

Oferta cazare în Hotel El Patio - Garachico

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Set on a large estate, Hotel El Patio is located in Tenerife’s Isla Baja area. It offers beautiful gardens with an outdoor pool, and tennis court.

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Această proprietate este la 6 minute pe jos față de plajă. Set on a large estate, Hotel El Patio is located in Tenerife’s Isla Baja area. It offers beautiful gardens with an outdoor pool, and tennis court.

Hotel El Patio has a central courtyard full of palm and dragon trees, and there are many charming little paths and benches where you can relax. The hotel has a sauna and a croquet lawn, and there are loungers around the pool.

The country-style rooms at the hotel are set on the ground floor, and feature free Wi-Fi and a private bathroom with a shower and hairdryer. Some rooms also have a private terrace.

There is an attractive cove with a dock located 5 minutes’ walk from the hotel. You can drive to the Teide National Park, Tenerife Norte Airport and Santa Cruz de Tenerife in under 45 minutes.

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