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Oferta cazare în Hotel Fariones -

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Set within tropical gardens, Hotel Fariones has direct access cove in Puerto del Carmen and all rooms have views of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Această proprietate este la 2 minute pe jos față de plajă. Set within tropical gardens, Hotel Fariones has direct access cove in Puerto del Carmen and all rooms have views of the Atlantic Ocean. The main infinity pool is surrounded by palm trees and an infinity pool on rooftop with panoramic views.

The Hotel Fariones has 4 restaurants, 3 a la carte restaurants- The Erizo with Macronesic cuisine, The Kaori an Asian restaurant. It also has a snack bar located in the main pool and The Bella Lucia a main buffet.

The rooms feature a contemporary design with terrace.

The Hotel Fariones has a tennis court, sauna and massage service which can be found at the Fariones Sports Center 50 meters from the hotel.

Puerto del Carmen's main beach is just 50 metres from Hotel Fariones and has a direct access from hotel. Lanzarote Airport is 10 km away from Fariones while Arrecife is 16 km away.

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