Cazare în Hotel Sa Punta - Pals

Oferta cazare în Hotel Sa Punta - Pals

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The Sa Punta is set in attractive gardens, less than 500 metres from Sa Punta Beach.

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Această proprietate este la 6 minute pe jos față de plajă. The Sa Punta is set in attractive gardens, less than 500 metres from Sa Punta Beach. This hotel features an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness center and rooms with balconies.

The Sa Punta has simple, stylish décor and parquet flooring. The air-conditioned rooms are spacious and each has a flat-screen TV, DVD and CD player. Rooms have views of either the mountains or swimming pool.

The Sa Punta’s restaurant serves a range of Catalan cuisine and has a large wine collection. Guests can choose to dine or enjoy a drink on the hotel’s pool-side terrace.

The on-site fitness center features a sauna, a hot tub and power showers, and there is also some gym equipment. There are also 2 hot tubs attached to the sea-water swimming pool.

The Sa Punta has a quiet setting, close to a forest and 15-minutes' walk from the nearest golf club. It is within walking distance of the centre of Sa Punta and just 10 minutes’ drive from the Medieval town of Pals.

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