Cazare în Mas Tapiolas - Santa Cristina d'Aro

Oferta cazare în Mas Tapiolas - Santa Cristina d'Aro

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Hotel Mas Tapiolas is set in a traditional Catalan farmhouse from the 13th century in the town of Solius, just 10 km from the Costa Brava.

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Hotel Mas Tapiolas is set in a traditional Catalan farmhouse from the 13th century in the town of Solius, just 10 km from the Costa Brava. This hotel features an outdoor pool, a free spa center, Golf Par 3 and paddle tennis court, surrounded by beautiful gardens.

The hotel offers classic, bright and elegant rooms. Some of them feature a large balcony and others a terrace-garden.

The rooms located in the old farmhouse, are cozy and have a unique and exclusive style, designed by Jordi Dalmau.

The hotel has a buffet breakfast and a restaurant with excellent local products.

The hotel's free spa includes a heated pool, sauna, foot bath, steam bath and salt cabin. Treatments and massages are provided. There is also a solarium with views of the valley.

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