Cazare în RVHotels Hotel Palau Lo Mirador - Torroella de Montgrí

Oferta cazare în RVHotels Hotel Palau Lo Mirador - Torroella de Montgrí

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RVHotels Hotel Palau Lo Mirador is a restored 14th-century building in Torroella de Montgrí, in Catalunya’s Baix Empordà region.

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RVHotels Hotel Palau Lo Mirador is a restored 14th-century building in Torroella de Montgrí, in Catalunya’s Baix Empordà region. It offers free parking and beautiful gardens with an outdoor pool.

All rooms at the RVHotels Hotel Palau Lo Mirador are equipped with a TV, air conditioning and central heating. They feature restored antique furniture. The private bathrooms have a hairdryer.

The hotel’s restaurant is set in a room with stone arches and a cobbled floor. It serves Mediterranean food, using fresh, local produce.

The Palau has a terrace. It also has a 24-hour reception and there is free parking available. A massage service in the room is available.

The beaches of Estartit are 5 km from the hotel, and Empordà Golf Club is just 3 km away.

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