Cazare în URH - Hotel Molí del Mig - Torroella de Montgrí

Oferta cazare în URH - Hotel Molí del Mig - Torroella de Montgrí

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URH - Hotel Molí del Mig blends a charming, historic building with the most contemporary design and over 7 hectares of picturesque gardens.

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URH - Hotel Molí del Mig blends a charming, historic building with the most contemporary design and over 7 hectares of picturesque gardens. Here you can relax with a swim in the fresh, country air.

The main building of URH - Hotel Molí del Mig is set in a renovated former mill dating all the way back to the 15th century. Admire its historic features, which have been complemented by stylish contemporary decor and state-of-the-art amenities.

More modern facilities include 2 outdoor swimming pools and 3 padel courts. There are 3 meeting rooms, one which is located on the garden.

Enjoy an al-fresco meal at the hotel’s chic restaurant during the summer season. You can also spend a peaceful moment in the lounge, or in the library and museum room.

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