Cazare în Brown Beach Chalkida -

Oferta cazare în Brown Beach Chalkida -

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Situated in Agios Minas area, amidst a lush tree garden, Brown Beach Chalkida boasts an amazing beach in front of the hotel, a big pool with sun loungers...

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Situated in Agios Minas area, amidst a lush tree garden, Brown Beach Chalkida boasts an amazing beach in front of the hotel, a big pool with sun loungers and paired with a vibing pool bar. The hotel offers restaurants, spa, fitness facilities, tennis court and rooms with private balcony.

The rooms and the suites are cool and speakeasy with a touch of the Cycladic aesthetic. All rooms are air conditioned and come with a satellite 55' smart TV, tea/coffee maker, private bathroom with shower and free toiletries.

The hotel is 3 km away from the seaside town of Chalkida and a little more than an hour away from Athens. Brown Beach Chalkida hotel provides also free Wi-Fi access throughout and free parking space on site.

Pets only up to 9kg are allowed.

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