Cazare în La Masía de Formentera -

Oferta cazare în La Masía de Formentera -

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La Masia de Formentera offers an outdoor pool and a swimming pool area with a hot tub, and massage service. Each bungalow has a private terrace.

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La Masia de Formentera offers an outdoor pool and a swimming pool area with a hot tub, and massage service. Each bungalow has a private terrace.

La Masia’s air-conditioned bungalows are surrounded by Mediterranean gardens, filled with olive trees and lavender. All include a queen bedroom, a lounge and flat-screen TV.

The Masía serves a personalized, à la carte breakfast on your terrace at your preferred time in the morning. You can prepare meals in your bungalow’s modern kitchen, equipped with a microwave, coffee maker and ceramic hob.

Various bars and restaurants can be found in San Francisco Javier, within a 10-minute walk. Els Pujols is 3 km away, while La Savina ferry harbour is 4.5 km away.

Free Wi-Fi is available in La Masia’s reception. Staff are happy to provide information about Formentera.

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